Matcha Slim Review

Matcha Slim Review

Our Opinion
4.6 / 5
Customer Opinion
4.5 / 5
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What is it?

Matcha Slim is a capsule formulation designed for weight loss. Herbal remedy. There are no age restrictions for use. The product is safe and has no side effects. The effectiveness of its use is very high. It has a healing effect on the body, prevents obesity. It brings great benefits to the body, and in this it has no competitors.

Our Review: Matcha Slim is a Scam?

Matcha Slim is a completely natural yet highly functional fat burner. Observing my patients, I noticed that those who use this drug manage to achieve impressive results in the shortest possible time. Matcha Slim not only intensively burns subcutaneous and visceral fat, but also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The drink prepared on its basis suppresses appetite, exhibits detoxifying properties, activates the brain, and increases efficiency. I recommend this remedy to all those who want to lose weight quickly and safely!


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Matcha Slim - Is a scam?

No. We have tried this product and can claim that this is not a scam.


The main component of Matcha Slim is a special kind of green tea extract. It is made from tea leaves grown in a special way, with limited access to sunlight. This keeps the chlorophyll content high. This explains its unusual emerald color and high content of amino acids (aspartic, L-theanine). The preparation also contains extracts of pineapple fruit, artichoke leaves, ginger root, hibiscus flower petals.

Side Effects

Matcha Slim enhances fat oxidation by blocking the accumulation of fat cells. Lipolysis starts and releases adrenal hormones that are responsible for the process of losing weight. In this case, beta receptors begin to act, activating the process of breaking down fats.

How to use?

Take the drug three times a day, 1 capsule (before, during or after meals) with plenty of liquid (at least 250 g of water). The duration of admission is individual, depending on the weight and the desired result. The minimum course of admission is 6 weeks, for the prevention of obesity or with a slight excess of the body mass index. The course of admission for an effective fight against visceral fat, at least 60 days. The duration of the course for severe obesity, as well as in the fight against deep subfascial fat - 80 days. It is recommended to repeat the course. The break after the end of the first course is from 3 to 6 months.

Indications for use

The indications for the use of Matcha Slim are: It is allowed to use the drug in order to prevent excess weight gain.


Despite its completely natural composition, Matcha Slim has a number of contraindications. Experts impose a ban on the use of this drug during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, Matcha Slim is contraindicated for children and persons who are allergic to the components present in the composition of the product.

Price & Payment

Price Matcha Slim 39$
Delivery speed 3-9 days
Payment Cash on Delivery
Pharmacy Vacation Terms Without recipe
Country of sale Worldwide (UK, USA, India)

Where to buy?

Availability in pharmacies No
Availability in Amazon No
Availability from the manufacturer Click to check availability


Specifications 4.5
Price 4.8
Packing quality 4.3
Ease of application 4.8
Delivery speed 4.6
Structure 4.3
Efficiency 4.9
Overall rating 4.6
Krista H. Busch - Author
Author Krista H. Busch
I'm Krista and I was born in the UK. I'm a professional author about nutrition. I love helping people learn about how to eat well and be healthy. My work has taken me all over the world, and I've had the privilege of meeting some amazing people along the way. I'm also a big fan of wit and humor, so you'll often find me making jokes (even when they might not be funny).

Customer Reviews

4.6 / 5
My experience of dealing with obesity goes back years. During this time, I managed to try everything: I went in for sports, starved, sat on strict diets, took pills and dietary supplements. However, the real result was achieved only with Matcha Slim. I drink a cup of this drink in the morning and lose weight without dieting and grueling workouts. I regret that I learned about this drug so late!

4.4 / 5
With the help of Matcha Slim, I lost 14 kg in 2 months. I also noticed other positive changes: the feeling of constant fatigue disappeared, I began to feel truly rested after sleep. Immunity has improved: I used to catch cold 4-5 times a year, and over the past six months I have not got sick even once. I feel great, there is lightness throughout my body. I am sure that all this is the merit of Matcha Slim, so I can safely recommend this tool!

4.4 / 5
I am a professional athlete, boxer. I use Matcha Slim for weight reduction before pre-weighing. The tool always works flawlessly, with its help I get rid of both fat and excess moisture. I did not notice any side effects, so I boldly give this drink the highest score!

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