Lipofix Review

Lipofix Review

Our Opinion
4.6 / 5
Customer Opinion
4.3 / 5
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What is it?

Lipofix is a modern drug for weight loss. The product is available in the form of a concentrate; 1 bottle contains 20 ml. The drug has a lipolytic, cleansing, anti-cellulite, and nourishing effect. The drops are intended for men and women; the possibility of using the drug in the elderly and old age is allowed. The product replaces sports activities, modeling massage, diet and other measures aimed at weight loss. The product meets all the requirements for lipolytic products.

Our Review: Lipofix is a Scam?

“I have a positive opinion about the drug Lipofix. I believe that to lose weight, just taking this product is enough - there is no need for additional use of sports nutrition products. Also, simultaneous sports training and dieting are not required. I often prescribe this concentrate and always see only positive results – eliminating extra pounds, improving overall well-being and appearance.”


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Lipofix - Is a scam?

No. We have tried this product and can claim that this is not a scam.


The innovative product Lipofix consists of a vitamin-mineral complex, prickly pear extract, and garcinia cambogia. Collectively, these substances perform the following functions: The drug is able to record the achieved effect, so everyone who has completed a weight loss course by taking Lipofix remains slim and attractive even after completing the weight loss program. Endocrinologists and nutritionists approve of the idea of using this concentrate.

Side Effects

The active substances of the Lipofix drug start the process of dissolving adipose tissue, normalize lipid metabolism, which prevents the re-gain of unwanted kilograms. The product removes excess water from cells, therefore eliminating swelling of the body, which entails losing an additional 3-4 kg. The drug improves digestion, normalizes the condition of hair, skin and nails. Prevents hunger from worsening during stressful circumstances.

How to use?

The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions. To prepare 1 serving of the product, you need to mix 15 drops of Lipofix with 200 ml of still water. Make sure there is no sediment at the bottom of the container. Drink the entire portion without dividing it into several parts. Repeat taking the drops after 12 hours, because the product is designed for use 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of the weight loss course is 1 month.

Indications for use

Lipofix is intended to eliminate excess weight that appears due to poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, and a genetic predisposition to obesity. The drug was created for weight loss for men and women. The drops are intended to replace pharmaceutical products aimed at weight loss, as well as injections and surgical procedures intended for weight loss. The concentrate can be taken to eliminate excess weight gained during pregnancy.


The main factor in the presence of which Lipofix cannot be taken is an allergic reaction to the components of this concentrate. The drug should not be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. The concentrate is not intended for use in the presence of tumors, heart, kidney, or liver failure. Drops are not recommended for use in childhood and adolescence.

Price & Payment

Price Lipofix 39$
Delivery speed 3-9 days
Payment Cash on Delivery
Pharmacy Vacation Terms Without recipe
Country of sale Worldwide (UK, USA, India)

Where to buy?

Availability in pharmacies No
Availability in Amazon No
Availability from the manufacturer Click to check availability


Specifications 4.5
Price 4.8
Packing quality 4.3
Ease of application 4.8
Delivery speed 4.6
Structure 4.3
Efficiency 4.9
Overall rating 4.6
Krista H. Busch - Author
Author Krista H. Busch
I'm Krista and I was born in the UK. I'm a professional author about nutrition. I love helping people learn about how to eat well and be healthy. My work has taken me all over the world, and I've had the privilege of meeting some amazing people along the way. I'm also a big fan of wit and humor, so you'll often find me making jokes (even when they might not be funny).

Customer Reviews

4.7 / 5
“During pregnancy, I gained 11 kg of excess weight. I didn’t want to go to the gym - I had to take care of the child. The doctor said that I can take Lipofix because I am not breastfeeding my baby. I liked everything about this product - from the composition to the price. During the course, I lost excess weight and tightened my stomach. I recommend this product, it’s really effective.”

4.2 / 5
“Lipofix exceeded expectations - of course, I understood that the drug would help lose excess weight, but I didn’t think it would be to such an extent. I used to have a flabby stomach, big sides, and cellulite. The drug improved my metabolism and removed everything unnecessary from my body. The product helped me lose 15 kg in 4 weeks. It is important that no complications arose.”

4 / 5
“I went to the gym, but didn’t achieve the desired result. But when I started taking Lipofix, everything returned to normal. Previously, I wanted to eat sweets whenever I was nervous, but thanks to this concentrate, this was eliminated. The drug took off my excess weight, I’m happy with the choice of fat-burning products.”

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